News Release 12/01/2015 3:16 PM
HydroSwage®, the original hydraulic tube expansion equipment, is taking a leap forward in the hydroforming industry.
HydroSwage® International LLC is now the proud Worldwide HydroSwage® Manufacturer, Sales, and Service provider for all of your current and future needs for HydroSwage® as well as anything involved with Hydraulic Tube Expansion. HydroSwage® International LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Specialty Tool & Supply, Inc. (STS), a Texas Corporation which has been comprehensively involved in Hydraulic Tube Expansion since its conception in 1983 which is around the time the HydroSwage® was introduced into the commercial marketplace in the United States.
“This change will enable HydroSwage® customers to rely on the most experienced staff in the entire Hydraulic Tube Expansion Industry. Also, because it now has the increased focus on only HydroSwage® Products, the customers will benefit immensely” States Bill Benson, founder and president of STS and president of HydroSwage® International LLC.
“Our Vision”, Benson adds, “is to catapult HydroSwage® into many new markets by committing to On-Time Deliveries, Product Innovations and Service, unmatched by anyone in this field.” “HydroSwage® Tooling and Equipment will now be manufactured, sold, serviced and distributed from Conroe, Texas which is 30 minutes North of Houston. “By relocating to Conroe, we’ve been able to lower costs while increasing the availability of resources needed to streamline the production of HydroSwage® Tooling and Equipment”.
Mr. Benson also stated, “The one key ingredient in the HydroSwage® Product Line which is un-matched in today’s “imitative” environment is the Ongoing & Impeccable Standard of Quality for over 40 years.”
If there is anything this company emulates, it is Commitment and Confidence. Bill closes with “When we commit, we deliver, period!” And, “Our credo is to Treat Everyone like you would want to be Treated then the rewards will take care of themselves.”